Ellen von Unwerth lavorava come modella prima di spostarsi
dietro la macchina fotografica. Oggi è una talentosa fotografa e regista,
specializzata in fotografia di moda ed erotismo femminile. I suoi migliori scatti
sono stati pubblicati in riviste come Vogue, I-D, L’Uomo Vogue, Vanity Fair e
Interview. Ellen ha anche girato alcuni cortometraggi per stilisti e video
musicali per cantanti pop.
Ellen von Unwerth worked as a model before moving behind the
camera. These days she is a talented photographer and director, specialized in
fashion photography and erotic femininity. Her best shots have been published
in top magazines like Vogue, I-D, L’Uomo Vogue, Vanity Fair and Interview.
Ellen has also directed some short-films for fashion designers and music videos
for several pop musicians.
Amazing blog, you are PERFECT <3
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